
NEW: VigiNot automates your LCB-FT vigilance protocol > VigiNot, your LCB-FT vigilance protocol Discover

The future of your assets is safe!

Protect all your access codes online in one place and anticipate their transmission in case of trouble.

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The future of your assets is safe!


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I can only advise you to open an accountI've been waiting a long time for a solution like this.

Join the thousands of members who already love us!

Johan B.

At last, a serious, competent and, above all, unrivalled company.

The best solution for securing my data and transmit my digital heritage to my loved ones when I die. What's more, the service is top notch and above all, it's made in France!

Ferdinand W.

I had been looking for a reliable and secure solution to store and transmit my digital assets for a long time. I found it with Legapass, which perfectly meets my needs. Simple, accessible to all and ultra-secure,- I certainly recommend it!

Antoine D.

After listening to the pitch on BFM Business, I thought that Legapass's offer was the solution to give the person of my choice access to my electronic assets after I'm gone! ✅ Getting started was very smooth and the support team was very helpful. 

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