Jean-Charles Cheminthe president of Legapass was lucky enough to be in the Podcast from NFT Morning.
With the team, we've compiled this hour-long exchange for you in less than 5 minutes of reading. It was a highly enriching experience for our CEO, who was able to talk with Rémi and present Legapass.
Ready to go? Here we go! 😊🔥
Rémi (NFT Morning): Can you tell us a little more about yourself?
Jean-Charles (CEO) : I have been in the world of tech start-ups. I have worked as a developer and also as a technical director at Qwant, the French search engine.
I like to do a lot of things (laughs) but it's true that Legapass concentrates a good part of my energy.
Rémi (NFT Morning): Tell us a little about the genesis of the project.
Jean-Charles (CEO): The Legapass solution was born out of the loss of my partner's father. during the Covid. He was hospitalized for a long time and in the meantime, he may have left the family with passwords, memories.
At that point, I thought, "Damn, if something happens to me, what will happen to my digital accounts ?”
I started doing research with Adelina, co-founder of Legapass. I came to the conclusion that everything my digital assets must be preserved if something happens to me.
Especially when you think about it, there are plenty of other assets to protect: banks, neo-banks, password managers, access to the cloud for photos,...
Then I got into the cryptocurrency business and there it was an absolute vacuum. I looked for a solution that I didn't find.
One evening, during a dinner with Eric Maida, the third co-founder of Legapass, we thought about the problem. Very quickly, we designed a first prototype. From there, the Legapass solution was born.
➡️ The startup is now over 1 year old with a first fundraising of 1M€. announced in December 2022.
Rémi (NFT Morning): From there, you realized that there were many uses?
Jean-Charles (CEO): For me, notaries do not necessarily have an easy solution to offer today in terms of digital transmission.
➡️ How to entrust digital data and be sure that they do not circulate and especially that they are not lost or hacked?
Examples of accounts to protect with Legapass

