The use of a Metamask-type portfolio that allows, among other things, access to the decentralized finance is becoming more and more common. Like any wallet, it has a public key that can be communicated to receive assets and a private key also called seed phrase. The latter should be kept in a safe place (at home, at the Legapass for example 👋)
Faced with the many scams and other scams that abound in the world of the web3, it is important to be more vigilant than ever to secure your Metamask.
In this article, we suggest several settings and tools to avoid having your " hot wallet ". We take this opportunity to remind you to try as much as possible to keep the assets you want to keep on the long term on "cold wallet" such as Ledger, Satochip,...
Here we go 🚀
What is a Metamask?
What is Metamask?
A online cryptocurrency walletcommonly known as hot wallet in the crypto sphere.
And what's the point?
Is Metamask reliable?
How does Metamask work?
How do I install or reinstall Metamask?
To use it, nothing could be easier!
1 - Download the extension, it's free!
All you have to do is download the free extension : Download Metamask.
Then proceed to download the application which will then be installed directly on your browser. You will find it in your list of extensions.
Beware, false links are regularly put online as you can see here with the missing a and the .co instead of .io :

2 - Configure your account
Launch the application and set a password. Important: choose a password with at least 12 characters, letters, numbers, and a special character.
For example, ABR4CADABRANT! would take 6 MILLION years to be hacked.
That way you're safe.
3 - Retrieve your seed phrase
Let's move on to the generation of the famous seed phrase or recovery phrase click on the padlock to reveal the secret words of your seed phrase automatically generated. ATTENTION: you must write down this series of words somewhere.
Without it, you won't have access to your cryptos!
LEGAPASS is a super secure place to keep your seed phrase well protected from pirates!
How to protect your account?
What is a seed sentence?
Protecting your Metamask is above all protecting your seed sentence
3 things to do to secure your Metamask
Delete sites connected to your Metamask

Revoke smart contracts you no longer use
Definition A smart contract is an intelligent contract that is executed only if a number of conditions are met.
Example: I trade 1 Ethereum for x amount of another crypto asset. If the condition is filledthe smart contract is executed.
Is that clearer?
To revoke the smart contracts of your Metamask, go to " the blockchain explorer "then click on " More " then " token approvals ". Copy your public address and validate. You can now see all the contracts that can interact with your wallet. In the example below, we are on the website of the Ethereum network explorer:

Finally, click on Revoke for remove authorizations from smart contracts that you want to remove. You may need to connect your Metamask to the blockchain browser to make the transaction.
Sign then the transaction to be completed.
As a bonus, we put you the link to this nice tool that allows you to perform the operation more easily: Revoke
Connect your Metamask to a hard wallet
A hard wallet or cold wallet is a solution for offline storage totally unreachable from the internet. Link your Metamask wallet to a typical cold wallet Ledger will add a layer of Security not negligible to avoid hacking. To perform the operation, you must have a Ledger key. Then, go to the settings and click on "add devices.

How to secure your Metamask with Legapass
- Open your Legapass account ,
- Click on " Add a code ",
- Type the name of the platform you want to secure or select Metamask from the suggestions,

- Name your portfolio (with rigor) to quickly distinguish this one in your list of secrets,
- Add the public address which identifies your portfolio. It is located just below your account name on the top of your Metamask.
- Add the seed sentence, in French recovery phrase that will allow access to your assets in case of a glitch.
- Press the + button to add each new word

- Add the password that unlocks your wallet
- Check your information one last time before validating.