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How to set up a Facebook profile as a commemoration account to pay tribute to him?

You wish to turn a deceased person's Facebook profile into a memorial account to pay tribute to them ? Discover the advantages and disadvantages in this article, as well as all the other solutions available to you.

When a loved one passes away, it's not easy to manage practical and administrative aspects related to his or her death. These include the issue of the deceased's online accounts, in particular his Facebook account.

➡️ What to do with your Facebook profile Should it be deleted or transformed into a commemorative account? ? What are the advantages and disadvantages of each option? And how do you go about making your choice? We'll explain it all in the next few lines.

Turning a Facebook profile into a commemoration account:

What is a commemorative Facebook account?

A memorial Facebook account is one that has been transformed after the death of its owner.

This is an option offered by Facebook to enable the deceased's loved ones to continue to pay tribute to him and share memories on his profile.

Here are the 6 characteristics of a commemorative account:

  1. It is marked "In memory of"before the name of the deceased.
  2. It no longer appears in friend suggestions, event invitations or birthday reminders.
  3. It cannot be modified by the deceased or his contacts.. ⚠️
  4. He can no longer publish new content, nor send or receive messages.
  5. He stores publications, photos and existing information, which remain visible to friends and family of the deceased. ✅
  6. It can be managed by a contact person designated by the deceased as legatee. This person can modify certain account options, such as profile photo, cover photo, pinning a publication or replying to friend requests.

The 4 advantages of a commemorative Facebook account.

A commemorative Facebook account features several benefits for relatives of the deceased :

  1. It keeps track of the deceased's career and personality, through publications, photos and interactions with contacts.
  2. It offers a a space for meditation and supportwhere friends and family can express their condolencestheir emotions and memories.
  3. He respects the will of the deceased, if he had chosen this option before his death or if he had not expressed a wish to the contrary.
  4. It protects the deceased's account against fraudulent or malicious use, by preventing any modification or connection.

The 2 disadvantages of a commemorative Facebook account.

A commemorative Facebook account also features some disadvantages for relatives of the deceased :

  1. It can be a source of pain and sadnessby constantly recalling the loss of the deceased and exposing its content to sometimes inappropriate comments and reactions.
  2. It can be a source of conflict and frustrationif the legatee contact is not accepted or respected by the deceased's other relatives, or if he or she does not manage the account according to their expectations.

How to turn a Facebook profile into a memorial account?

To transform a Facebook account into a commemorative account, you need to fill in an online form on the Facebook site.

You must indicate :

  • the name of the deceased,
  • date of death
  • and provide proof of deathsuch as a death certificate or obituary. You should also specify whether or not the deceased had designated a legatee contact. If so, the name and relationship to the deceased should be indicated. If not, please indicate your own name and relationship to the deceased. 

Once the form has been sent, Facebook verifies the information and transforms the account into a commemorative account within a few days.. The bequeathed contact then receives a notification and can access account management options. 

Of course, you won't have to go through all these steps if your loved one has already prepared his or her digital estate by securing his or her access codes. on a specialized tool such as Legapass.

Don't hesitate to check whether the deceased had opened an account with us in us reporting a death. 

Delete the Facebook profile of a deceased person :

What happens when I delete my Facebook account?

A Facebook account deletion is an option that allows you to completely delete the account of a deceased relative.

⚠️ This is a irreversible optionThis deletes all data associated with the account, such as publications, photos, messages and personal information. Once the account has been deleted, it can no longer be retrieved or consulted.

What are the advantages of deleting a Facebook account?

Close a Facebook account offers several advantages to the deceased's loved ones:

  1. It enables respect the wishes of the deceasedif he/she had chosen this option before his/her death, or if he/she had expressed a wish to the contrary to the conversion into a memorial account.
  2. It enables preserve the privacy of the deceasedby preventing its data from being used or consulted by unauthorized or ill-intentioned third parties.
  3. It enables mourning the deceasedby accepting its disappearance and detaching ourselves from its virtual image.

What are the disadvantages of deleting a Facebook account?

Deleting a Facebook account also has a number of advantages disadvantages for relatives of the deceased :

  1. It leads to loss of all content shared by the deceasedwhich may be of sentimental or historical value to those close to him or to himself.
  2. She deprives the friends and family of the deceased of a space for expression and sharingwhere they could comfort each other and reminisce together.
  3. It can be a source of regret and guiltif the decision is taken too quickly or without the agreement of the deceased's other relatives.

How do I delete a Facebook account?

To delete a Facebook account, you need to fill in an online form on the Facebook website.

Please indicate :

  • the name of the deceased,
  • date of death
  • and provide proof of death, such as a death certificate or an obituary.
  • You must also specify whether or not you are the legatee contact of the deceased. If yes, you must indicate his or her name and relationship to the deceased. If no, please indicate your own name and relationship to the deceased.


Once the form has been sent, Facebook verifies the information and deletes the account within a few days.. ✅

The bequeathed contact then receives a notification and can download a copy of the account data before it is deleted.

How do I choose between deletion and conversion to a memorial account?

The choice between deletion and conversion into a commemorative account depends on several factors:

  • The wishes of the deceased: it is important to respect what the deceased had expressed before his death or what he would have wished. had been informed of the options available. If the deceased had designated a legatee contact, refer to his or her instructions. If the deceased had not expressed his wishes, we should try to guess what he would have preferred, based on his personality and values.
  • The opinion of loved ones: it is important to take into account the opinions of friends and family of the deceased.who may have different needs and expectations. We must try to find a consensus or compromise between the different opinions, while respecting the feelings and rights of each person. It's also important to listen to loved ones, who may find it difficult to accept the choice made.
  • The time available: it is important not to rush or delay the choice, but to make it within a reasonable timeframe.. You need to give yourself time to think, find out and discuss the matter with those close to you. You also need to take into account the time needed to take the necessary steps with Facebook, and to recover any account data before it is deleted.


How can you protect your online accounts in the event of your death?

The issue of a deceased loved one's online accounts is not limited to Facebook.

Other social networks, as well as messaging, storage, payment and entertainment services, may also be affected.

What to do with these accounts? How do I access them? How do I transfer or delete them?

Open your free account 5 min !

Create your account for free in just a few seconds and see for yourself! Want to find out more before taking the plunge? Take part in a demonstration with one of our experts.

How can you avoid the problems and complications of managing online accounts after a death?

To avoid the problems associated with managing online accounts after a death, there is a simple and effective solution: Legapass. ✅

👉 Legapass is a platform that allows you to protect and transfer your accounts online. in the event of death.

With Legapass, you can :

  • Register your online accounts and your passwords in a secure digital safe.
  • Designate your beneficiary who will have access to your accounts in the event of your death.
  • Choosing what to do with your accounts You can transfer them, delete them or turn them into commemorative accounts.


With Legapass, you can :

  • Protecting your privacy and your digital identity after your death.
  • Make sure your last wishes are respected and avoid conflicts between your loved ones.
  • Facilitating the handover and the work of heirs and notaries.
  • Sorting out between useful and useless accounts.
  • Preserving your memories and your digital assets by passing them on to your loved ones.


Legapass is a simple, fast and effective solution.

To take advantage of these benefits, simply create a free account and follow the instructions.

❌ Don't wait until it's too late to protect your online accounts!

✅ With Legapass, you can anticipate and prepare your digital succession with peace of mind.

We hope this article has been helpful in understanding the options available for managing a deceased loved one's Facebook account. If you have any questions or comments, don't hesitate to contact us or leave us a message below.

Are you ready? Open your free account in 5 min !

Create your account for free in just a few seconds and see for yourself! Want to find out more before taking the plunge? Take part in a demonstration with one of our experts.