
Plan the transfer of your estate!

Your offline safe to tell your loved ones about your heritageyour cryptos and guarantee the continuity of your business.

The future of your assets is safe!
Label Etik Blanc 2024 logo

Legapass is certified by the Conseil Supérieur du Notariat.

Pass on your estate with peace of mind with Legapass!

Peace of mind

Rest assured, your heritage will never be forgotten or lost by adding instructions and sharing information with your family.

Complete cartography

Gather all your physical assets and access to your digital accounts on a single platform in just a few minutes.

Simple planning

Managing your digital will becomes child's play add, update and delete your information in record time, free of charge.

Join thousands of members! 🤗

Legapass Mon Patrimoine application

*This list is given as an example and is not exhaustive or contractual. 

Legapass Radar brochures for heirs

We were won over by the quality and commitment of the Legapass management team, and by their innovative vision.

Didier Rossignol testimonial Legapass

Didier Rossignol

CEO and Managing Partner of Adnexus and Chairman of the Management Board of Groupe ADSN.

3 steps to a optimum protection of your assets

1. Map your assets.

Add simply the essential accesses you need to protect with Legapass thanks to your ergonomic and intuitive space.
Legapass mapping

2. Designate the beneficiary of your safe deposit box.

In just a few clicks, choose the person who will have access to the contents of the safe deposit box in the event of death with the customizable beneficiary clause.

3. Benefit from secure transmission.

Ask the data recovery or give your beneficiary access to it upon your death with our unique restitution process offline transfer technology
Legapass transmission
The nugget: Legapass enables users to pass on their digital heritage, by Annalisa Cappellini - 08/29

Annalisa Cappellini welcomes Jean-Charles Chemin, co-founder and Chairman of Legapass in the "La pépite" column on Tuesday, August 29, 2023, broadcast Monday to Friday on Good Morning Business and presented by Laure Closier and Christophe Jakubyszyn on BFM Business.

Are you ready? Open your free account in 5 minutes!

Create your account for free in just a few seconds and see for yourself or take part in a demonstration with one of our experts.

A solution designed around the Security

icon zero access

Tamper-proof data

The sensitive data you send to your Legapass safe is instantly encrypted thanks to the OpenPGP encryption.

icon coffre legapass

Offline storage

Encrypted data is stored on tamper-proof hard drives thanks to a major innovation of which we are the secret.

icon secure transmission

Single access

We have developed a return system that allows only 1 person to access the safe: you or your beneficiary. That's all there is to it.

YesWeHack logo

Did you know ?

To make sure we provide you with the highest level of securityLegapass works with YesWehack the leading Bug Bounty platform in Europe.

Find out why Legapass is a secure solution!

Join the thousands of members who already love us!

Johan B.

Finally, a serious, competent and above all unmatched company. The best solution to secure my data and transmit my digital heritage to my loved ones after my passing. In addition, the customer service is top-notch and, above all, it's made in France!!

Ferdinand W.

I had been looking for a reliable and secure solution to store and transmit my digital assets for a long time. I found it with Legapass, which perfectly meets my needs. Simple, accessible to all and ultra-secure,- I certainly recommend it!

Antoine D.

After listening to the pitch on BFM Business, I thought that Legapass's offer was the solution to allow the person of my choice to have access to my digital assets after my departure! ✅ The onboarding is very smooth and the support team has been very reactive. 

4.9 on

Join our thousands of members! 🤗

+ 2000 suggestions

To help you map your assets.

Suggestions for mapping your assets

Plan the future of your assets in 5 minutes!
